Flock Eventing Platform

Scale your business without making costly mistakes

Event Marketing 101: Everything You Need to Know

This month Flock helped to host a webinar event for the EO Accelerator. Flock’s Founder and CEO, Mike Lysko was the MC and guided the speakers through topics and kept the audience engaged throughout the insightful event. The main focus of the event was to give entrepreneurs advice on how to scale their businesses and avoid making costly mistakes.

The event featured keynote speaker Fred Roed, the Founder and CEO of Heavy Chef, a learning platform for entrepreneurs. The name ‘Heavy Chef’ comes from the saying never trust a skinny chef and aims to celebrate people that ‘eat their own food’. Heavy Chef dishes up weekly recipes for entrepreneurs, focusing on technology, leadership and creativity – and served by the heaviest chefs in the world. Heavy Chef also hosts regular learning experiences during the day and the most popular monthly leadership and tech events in South Africa in the evenings. Roed’s first book The Heavy Chef Guide to Starting a Business in South Africa was launched in 2018 and became a bestseller on Amazon. Fred is the co-founder of the Heavy Chef Foundation, aimed at providing funding for high potential emerging entrepreneurs.

The event also featured Founder of Saas technology company YOUKNOW Digital, Kelvin Jonck. Kelvin joined the EO Accelerator Program a little over 3 years ago, graduated into EO a year later, and then joined the EO JHB board as the Accelerator Chair one year after that. He has been guiding the Accelerator program, along with the board, for the last year. He spoke to the topic of business growth and provided valuable insights into what to look out for when scaling your business.

EO’s mission is to empower entrepreneurs with the tools they need to grow their business to more than US$1 million in sales while providing them with the skills they need to become better entrepreneurs and leaders.

The informative one-hour virtual presentation was on how to grow and master your business through the EO Accelerator.

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